Financial Support

The 34th Nottingham Scout Group’s Centenary Fund

The Centenary Fund was set up by Mr Ben Thomas while he was Group Scout Leader to mark the 100th anniversary of the Group with the intention of ensuring that no Scout in the Group would be denied participation in any Group activity for financial reasons.

While the cost of Friday evening activities is included in the annual subscription to the Group and Scout Association, it is necessary to make a charge for some of the other adventurous activities, such as camps and expeditions, to cover the cost of equipment, specialist activities, accommodation, food and transport. 

The Group does expect that all Scouts will engage fully with the activity programme, just as they do as pupils within the school curriculum. Having set this expectation the Group recognises that for some Scouts the cost may be an issue, so the Centenary Fund was set up to help defray these costs for successful applicants.

Applications for support

The Centenary Fund is managed by a sub-group of the Executive Committee. Applications for support are by direct request to the Group Scout leader (Peter Clarson) and should include the specific trips or activities for which support is being sought. Applications are considered in total confidence by the Committee and their decision will be communicated to applicants as quickly as possible. The support will take the form of a contribution towards the cost of activities, and may be for part, or all the cost. This is dependent of the Fund having sufficient resources to provide the support.


The Committee is charged with undertaking activities which generate income to fund its sponsorships. It is expected that if and when requested all Scouts will contribute to these activities as part of their commitment to the Group.

In addition, the Fund has been and is being supported by donations from individuals, organisations and Charities. All donations, no matter how small are gratefully received. The Fund will also advise the Annual General Meeting of the number of scouts it has supported whilst maintaining individual anonymity. 

Campfire Gif created by Scout Ottilie, lockdown 2020